


Jan 04, 2025

The Department of Medical Laboratory Technology School of Allied Health Sciences, Vinayaka Mission's Puducherry Campusorganized the *1st National Conference - CRAFT-25*. 

This conference titled "Clinical laboratory Recent Advances & Futuristic Trends" was conducted under the guidance of Prof. Dr. B. Sendilkumar, Dean-AHS, VMRF-DU, and under the supervision of Prof.Andrew John Silvester, Director, SAHS Puducherry campus, VMRF-DU and Prof. Tamilchudar, Admin Incharge, SAHS VMRF-DU, Salem.

Prof.Dr. B. Sendilkumar, Dean-AHS, VMRF-DU presided over the event and delivered the presidential address followed by Prof. Andrew John Silvester, Director SAHS, delivered the welcome address. 

The conference featured scientific sessions by distinguished speakers, including: 

- Dr. Sarman Singh, Medical Research Director, Aarupadai Veedu Medical College 

- Dr. Divya Elangovan, Registrar Hospital, Kuwait 

- Dr. G. Bhuvaneshwari, Saveetha Institute of Medical And Technical Sciences 

- Dr. Murugan Nandagopal, LifeCell International, Chennai 

- Dr. Akhilesh Ravichandran, Saveetha Medical College & Hospital, Chennai 

- Dr. Immanuel Ratan Stephen, MIOT International Hospital, Chennai 

- Dr. Manju, Professor & Head of the Department of Biochemistry, Aarupadai Veedu Medical College 

Seven scientific sessions and various scientific events were conducted as part of the event.  Medals were awarded to the winners, and participation certificates were distributed to all delegates. 

The conference witnessed the participation of over 266 students from more than 10 educational institutions.

World Heart and Lung Day

Nov 07, 2024

Department of Perfusion  Technology On the occasion of "World Heart and Lung Day - OXYCIRC 2024,  organized  a Guest Lecture Programme based on the theme " Use Heart for  action & Clean air and Healthy Lung for All
Followed with Poster Presentation, Quiz time , Connection Game and Logo creation  competition under the theme of " Exhale the Past Pulse with the Present and Inhale the future" at SAHS Auditorium at 09:00 am. Key note address was delivered by Prof. Andrew John Silvester. S, Director, SAHS, Vinayaka Mission’s Puducherry Campus   
event auspiciously started with a welcome dance.The Guest Speaker  Dr.B.Riyaz MBBS.,M.S.,M.CH.,
(CTVS), Cardio Thoracic Surgeon, delivered a lecture about "Evolution of Cardio Thoracic surgery" Poster Presentation done by 50 students , Logo creation designed by 16 students , Quiz and connection game conducted regarding the theme and nearly 45 students participated from various Institutions. As a token of encouragement Cash prizes and certificates were distributed to the poster presentation winners ,Certificates and awards were distributed to the participants. Nearly 122  students benefited by the event.

First International Webinar for Physician Assistant -IWPA 2024

Oct 17, 2024

Department Of Physician Assistant, Puducherry Campus organised First International Webinar for Physician Assistant -IWPA 2024 on the Occasion of 57 th National Physician Assistant week EUGENS 2.0. The session started with a warm welcome address by Prof.S.Andrew John Silvester, Director SAHS, Puducherry Campus VMRF-DU followed by Special Address by our Eminent Prof.B.Sendilkumar, Dean - AHS, VMRF-DU who spoke about the milestones of SAHS with Impact of Physician Assistant in India. The Three resource sessions were delivered by Proud Speakers Dr.Travis Kaufman, DMSc, APA-C, Adjunct Professor - Emergency, Management Global Health 

Doctor of Medical Sciences (DMSc) Program

School of Medical Science and Health Sciences, University of Lynchburg ,Virginia,USA and Dr.Jenna Rolfs , DMSc,MBA, PA -C, DFAAPA, Dean and Programme Director of DMSc, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Lynchburg.

Virginia,USA. The resource persons spoke regarding the Job Oppurtunites, Global wealth of PAs and Scope and Benefit of DMSc after the Masters. The participants had a great interaction between the speakers. The Physician Assistant students and faculties greatly benefited from the session. The speakers were felicitated with certificates.  University of Lynchburg ,Virgina ,US. provided Certificate of Excellence in providing Excellence Education for Physician Assistant in India to the School of Allied Health Sciences, Best Educational Leader to Prof.Dr.B.Sendhilkumar, Dean- AHS for Providing  a Best Education for Allied Health Professionals  in India and Emerging Physician Assistant Educator to  Mr.Santhosh, Assistant Professor, Department Incharge- Physician Assistant for Providing Excellent Mode of Education to Physician Assistants India. The Vote of Thanks was proposed by Mr Santhosh.S , Assistant professor, Incharge- Department of Physician Assistant,SAHS Puducherry Campus.Nearly 100 students participated and benefited through the valuable sessions.


Oct 14, 2024

Department Of Physician Assistant, Puducherry Campus organised First International Webinar for Physician Assistant -IWPA 2024 on the Occasion of 57 th National Physician Assistant week EUGENS 2.0. The session started with a warm welcome address by Prof.S.Andrew John Silvester, Director SAHS, Puducherry Campus VMRF-DU followed by Special Address by our Eminent Prof.B.Sendilkumar, Dean - AHS, VMRF-DU who spoke about the milestones of SAHS with Impact of Physician Assistant in India. The Three resource sessions were delivered by Proud Speakers Dr.Travis Kaufman, DMSc, APA-C, Adjunct Professor - Emergency, Management Global Health
Doctor of Medical Sciences (DMSc) Program
School of Medical Science and Health Sciences, University of Lynchburg ,Virginia,USA and Dr.Jenna Rolfs , DMSc,MBA, PA -C, DFAAPA, Dean and Programme Director of DMSc, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Lynchburg.
Virginia,USA. The resource persons spoke regarding the Job Oppurtunites, Global wealth of PAs and Scope and Benefit of DMSc after the Masters. The participants had a great interaction between the speakers. The Physician Assistant students and faculties greatly benefited from the session. The speakers were felicitated with certificates.  University of Lynchburg ,Virgina ,US. provided Certificate of Excellence in providing Excellence Education for Physician Assistant in India to the School of Allied Health Sciences, Best Educational Leader to Prof.Dr.B.Sendhilkumar, Dean- AHS for Providing  a Best Education for Allied Health Professionals  in India and Emerging Physician Assistant Educator to  Mr.Santhosh, Assistant Professor, Department Incharge- Physician Assistant for Providing Excellent Mode of Education to Physician Assistants India. The Vote of Thanks was proposed by Mr Santhosh.S , Assistant professor, Incharge- Department of Physician Assistant,SAHS Puducherry Campus.Nearly 100 students participated and benefited through the valuable sessions


Sep 28, 2024

Department physician Assistant students nearly 120 has been participated in NPACON 24 Organized by Department of Physicain Assistant, School of Allied Health sciences Vims Hospital campus VMRF -DU Salem under( National level conference ) the theme : PA's The face of modern Health care.The 7 teams from second and third year students participated in Poster presentation and Sangeetha Third year Physician Assistant student recieved special appreciation award ????????for poster : Capsule endoscopy.The days was entirely fulfilled with modern healthcare updation by 5 Esteemed experts with Exciting Scientific sessions Really it's was a wonderful profession platform for the physician Assistant students.

International Neuroscience Conference

Sep 06, 2024

The Department of Neuroscience Technology, School of Allied Health Sciences, Vinayaka Mission's Puducherry Campus organized the 1st International Conference (Hybrid) on Clinical Neuroelectrophysiology on the Theme "Futuristic trends in Neuroelectrophysiology" on 5th and 6th September 2024 at Annapoorani Mini Auditorium, AVMC Campus, Puducherry. 

The first day of the conference (05.09.24) was inaugurated   by Prof. Dr. B. Sendilkumar, Dean- AHS, the Chief Guest- Mr. Parthasarathi Murugesan, Clinical Physiologist - Neurophysiology, Independent Physiological Diagnostics, MSc Applied Cognitive Neuroscience, Roehampton University, London. The welcome speech was given by the Organizing Secretary of the conference Ms. Shree Sruthi E. Prof. Dr. B. Sendilkumar, Dean- AHS gave the keynote address emphasizing the importance of Neuroscience Technology and felicitated the Chief Guest Mr. Parthasarathi Murugesan, scientific session speakers Mr. Richard Ilamurugan, Ms. Manisha K and industry representative from Recorders & Medicare Systems (RMS). Five scientific sessions took place on the first day with one international speaker Mr. Parthasarathi Murugesan and four national level speakers Dr. Arun Prakash T, Mr. Richard Ilamurugan, Ms. Manisha K and Ms. Shree Sruthi E. 

The second day (06.09.24) of the conference started with a scientific session by the international speaker Dr. Elanagan Nagarajan. Followed by three hands-on workshops on Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS) by Ms. Manisha K & Mr. Dhayanand, Electromyography (EMG) by Prof. Andrew John Silvester and Intraoperative monitoring & Motor Brain Mapping by Mr. Richard Ilamurugan. Followed by seven international virtual sessions by Mr.Vijay K. Jayachandran, Mr. Joao Pizarro, Mr. Manoj Rai, Dr. Sanal Abraham, Ms. Eli Timms, Ms. Kamatchi, Ms. Hema Sree Nirmal Kumar followed by a scientific session by Prof. Andrew John Silvester. 

Participation certificates were given to all the delegates. The vote of thanks was presented by 

Prof. Andrew John Silvester, Organizing Convenor. 

Nearly 140 delegates participated in the conference from more than 10 institutions.